Sunday, August 8, 2010

I hope they serve beer in Hell by Tucker Max

I don't know if I ever would have picked this book up had I not been stuck in the Minneapolis airport during a tornado. I was pretty sure I was going to want to go on a murderous rampage once I finished the book, but then once I started it I realized that the very knowledge of the fact that I was probably going to hate the book made it easier for me to accept it. Low expectations, etc.

So if you haven't heard of Tucker Max - he's basically famous for being a womanizer. He became famous through his website ( where he told the ridiculous (yet apparently true) stories of his sexual and drunken escapades, and eventually put up a date application for women who wanted to go out with him (for whatever reason) - I imagine that maybe these women thought that they could be the ones to tame the beast...yeah, they weren't.

This book is basically just a collection of all the posts from his website. It's disgusting, for sure, and I wouldn't recommend to anyone that they read this book only because I don't want to be responsible for exposing people to the types of things he's done. I read it more as research on the enemy than anything else. I'd say really it's just disheartening. Are there more men out there like Tucker Max? Surely, or he wouldn't be so famous - there are at least thousands of men who WANT to be like Tucker Max. And there are thousands of women who think that's ok.

Which is just kind of sick.

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