That's not necessarily a bad thing. I doubt that Giffin set out with the intention of producing a thought provoking and noteworthy piece of literature...rather I believe that she set out to produce an engaging and entertaining work...which she succeeded in doing.
My opinion might be biased by the fact that I discovered from the book jacket that she attended the University of Virginia School of Law (Wahoowa).
Anyway this is the story of a woman who takes the time to fully consider "What Might Have Been." The one who got away, the path not taken, etc. As a 24 year old I can't say that I really have too many paths not taken stacked up in my mind that I'd like to think about yet, but maybe someday I will understand the temptation that the main character in this novel did. The criticism that I have of this book - any maybe of Giffin's works in general (she also authored something borrowed, something blue, and baby proof) - is that I am left without a clear idea of what exactly she was trying to communicate.
All of her novels (so far, at least) have dealt with friendships intertwined with romantic relationships and the suggestion or reality of unfaithfulness. I find myself wondering if it's a lazy trick to introduce sensation and intrigue into otherwise unremarkable stories. That said, Giffin's skill lies in her gifted narrative...the reader always effortlessly sees the story through the eyes of the protagonist, but (and this is something i appreciate) does not always agree with their choices, like them, or understand why they are doing what they are. I think it is a confidently risky move on an author's part when they make the main character less than entirely likable, as is the case in love the one you're with.
The story was interesting but not enthralling; I found myself tempted to skip entire paragraphs of description at a time, looking ahead for more dialogue. It wasn't boring, though...a good read but one that didn't cause me to forget what time it was or how many hours had passed since I had picked it up (despite the fact that I spent all day reading it...I just don't really have a life). All in all, a solid piece of chick lit, but one that leaves you with the feeling that the author - much like the main character - wasn't quite sure of what she was going to do, what she was going to say, what she was going to mean, until the very last page.
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