Monday, May 11, 2009

Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri

Unaccustomed Earth is another collection of short stories by Lahiri, similar to Interpreter of the Maladies. Both are amazing. Interpreter was a book assigned in AP English my senior year of high school - and granted, I was a big nerd in high school who usually completed my assignments, but I'm going to admit fully and completely that I would sometimes read the beginning and ending of chapters within books I wasn't interested in actually reading. There are so many amazing books out there - why waste your time reading those that don't interest you? I read every last word in Interpreter of the Maladies.

I've always been interested in Indian culture, so I suppose that has something to do with the reason I like Lahiri's books so much (her work also includes The Namesake, which is moving and grand and so...remarkable). But it also has something to do with Lahiri's rich descriptions that make you feel enveloped by the scenes she describes. I love Indian food because it is flavorful and spicy and exotic and rich...the experiences of eating Indian food and reading Lahiri's words are quite similar. They feel like falling into pillows covered in jewel toned velvets.

Who doesn't want that?

Side effects of Lahiri's work include an intense craving for naan.

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